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Raw Steam-Bent Shells and Wood Hoops

Due to our improved manufacturing process, we can now offer limited quantities of raw steam-bent shells to fellow drum-builders.

At Antonio Drums we also manufacture quality wood hoops which can be used for drums instead of the metal ones. Wood hoops will give the finished drum a warmer sound.

Like for our finished products, the timber used for drum parts is harvested and managed under the highest standards of the responsible and sustainable forestry.

For information on materials used, dimensions and pricing, please contact us.

Antonio Drums
Craft Shop for Manufacturing and Service of Percussion Instruments
Bana Josipa Jelačića 30B
47250 Duga Resa

Phone: ** 385 (0)47 841 811



Canopus, Tokyo, Japan

Musik Netten, Bergheim, Germany

In the Media

Solide Handwerkskunst, DrumHeads!! (Germany)

Product Close-Up: Antonio True Solid Snare, Modern Drummer (USA)

Solid Snare Buyer’s Guide, Drum! (USA)

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